Saturday, January 20, 2007

The U$Army goes to war as America goes to the Mall!

The Bombs are dropping as you are shopping! The 3rd Infantry Division is going to Iraq for the 3rd time. Some soldiers are on their 3rd duty tour of Iraq. Being a Vietnam Veteran I have night mares of going to Nam for another tour of duty. I wake up in a cold sweat and thank God it is only a Dream! These guys are living the nightmare. What are you doing about the War? If you support the administration in this foreign policy, I am sure you are running off to the stores to find the latest bargain. Shop till you drop! The U$A is a GIGANTIC 4 H club! Helpless, Happless, Hopeless and Haggard group of Shoppers! This is a photo of Arlington West. 2700 soldiers died at the time Aug 06 at the Veterans for Peace Convention. The University of Washington hosted the Convention in Seattle. Stop the WAR and it is up to YOU!

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